Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Glucose Tolerance Test

Mmm, mmm, glucose!Image by J. Star via FlickrIf you have ever been pregnant, you have probably had to endure the infamous Glucose Tolerance Test.  This test isn’t just for women who are pregnant when they test for gestational diabetes, but this test can be used to check for diabetes in general.  The most common form of this test is done by ingesting a set amount of glucose and then the doctor checking your blood about two hours later. 

In order for this test to work correctly, you’ll have to fast for at least 8 hours prior to the test.  For your comfort and for the best results, have the test done in the morning.  That way, you can eat dinner by 8pm the night before, and then just don’t eat anything before bedtime.  You can get a good nights’ rest and after 7 hours of sleep, go to the doctor first thing in the morning, without eating anything for breakfast of course, and have the test done.  Once you’re out of the test, go get something to eat and get on with your day.  It makes the process really easy and then you don’t have to starve yourself through the day to take the test.  One thing to remember though is that you are going to have to ingest a pretty good dose of glucose, so you might want to drink some water to get your stomach ready.  That way you be able to hopefully keep it down and not have to retake the test on a later date.

Dr. Teichman can point you in the right direction if you need a good doctor to check you out, because if you think you might have diabetes, you need to get checked out by a doctor asap!  If you have this test coming up in your future, though I have never taken the test myself, I have heard good things about the orange flavor of glucose.  Something to think about.

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1 comment:

  1. Very interesting blog! Diabetes is a serious disease and this test sounds interesting. I wouldn't like the fasting for 8 hours part though.
