Monday, March 19, 2012

Peripheral Arterial Disease, not a life sentence

Peripheral Vascular DiseaseImage via WikipediaAre you one of the many who has noticed pain when you walk, but the pain disappears after a few moments of rest? Ever experience coldness in your leg or foot? You may be showing early signs of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Teichman.

Other symptoms may include:

•    Leg numbness or weakness
•    Sores on foot or leg that will not heal
•    Shiny skin on your legs
•    Loss of hair on legs
•    Change of skin color on legs

Peripheral Arterial Disease is a major complication that can develop from Diabetes. If you are diagnosed with PAD, treatment has two goals. First is to reduce or manage pain so that you may resume your normal activities, and the second is to prevent the buildup of artery blockage, which could cause you a stroke or heart attack.  Dr. Teichman can do a thorough evaluation to determine your risk and educate you on what needs to be done to help you manage your situation. If need be, he can help with the healing of ulcerated skin, advise you in proper footwear, perform treatment on corns and calluses, prescribe medications and also make other recommendations. You may be able to manage PAD by making some lifestyle changes that would include stop smoking as well as changes in diet and exercise, but there are some cases where surgery may have to be performed. This might include a procedure to unblock the arteries.

If you have peripheral arterial disease and it is allowed to go untreated, you could possibly experience pain that is so severe it may affect your very lifestyle. If you continue to ignore the warning signs, you could be placing your life at risk. As with any medical concern, it is best to seek treatment early.  Do not allow the symptoms to become increasingly worse. This is not a disease that will disappear in time if left untreated, and you risk amputation or possibly your life. 

If you experience pain, coldness, numbness or sores or infections that take a long time to heal or do not heal at all, call Dr. Teichman at (610) 432-9593.  He can evaluate you and get you started on an individual treatment plan. Peripheral Arterial does not have to be a life sentence. There are treatments available. 


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1 comment:

  1. Another one of the serious consequences of Type 2 diabetes. Diabetics need to watch out for their feet--it's serious stuff!
